Entering Pre-Release

Hey all!

We are finally, after long last, nearing the end of our post beta phase.  Due to the future of this project being unsure after its submission, there is a potentiality that this is 4-Sided Studios' last dev log. We would like to thank each and every one of you who has stuck around to read these dev logs and especially whomever got to play our game. There is a chance that we will make a final post once the game is published in its final form, whatever that might be, but in case that doesn't come to be, we wanted to share our appreciation now (Serg.io included).


A trailer for the game has been created, make sure to check it out on our itch page and youtube channel!

Save System

A save system has been added to the game. Players can now save their progress at any point and load that progress in another play session.

Visual Effects

There are new vfx currently in development to assist in signifying events that happen during play. Currently there are visual effects for; Serg.io pick up + put down/ NPC payment/ NPC getting injured/ Coffee crafted/ Radio playing music


  • A list of the current on going customers orders is now present in the upper right hand side of the screen
  • The addition of a "Save & Quit" and a "New Game" button have been implemented onto the appropriate menu screens
  • A control scheme breakdown can now be located

Level Updates/ Assets

  • The recipe board is represented as intended with modular recipe plaques and back board. Now when you unlock new recipes the recipe board updates with those new recipes
  • New couch models have replaced the placeholder couches in the seating area
  • A gumball machine model has also taken place of the placeholder gumball machine
  • There are decor assets including;  wall light, bookshelf, dresser, lamp, carpet
  • The radio placeholder model has been swapped for an official model

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